Our Saints (Sufis) always emphasize that the mystic way of life (طریقت) is
derived from Shariah (شریعت). If their claim is true then would they like to
answer these questions?
2) What is the justification of plastering graves? Also is it allowed to construct
high buildings, lightning, sweeping, illuminating , covering (غلاف
چڑھانے) , retiring for some period (اعتکاف بیٹھنے) and circumambulation over
3) Retiring for mystic seclusion over graves (چلہ کشی), holding the breadth (حبس
دم), fasting forever, standing all the night and standing forever, weakening
the body by torturing themselves, not liking the Wedlock and finally
breaking the relationships. What is the permissibility of these acts?
4) Also please inform us about the revelation which was descended upon the
prophet Mohammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), particularly the part of revelation
which belongs to religion. Was all that conveyed to ummah or some part of
it was concealed and common people were not informed about that? In clear words, was some part of the divine religion was
revealed upon Ali ( رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ) in the form of secrets and
symbols; as he is considered to be the supreme leader among the saints?
If the answer to
this question is affirmative then we require from you a proof and if the answer
is in negation then what are the resources of hidden knowledge in mysticism
Also what are
the secret talks in which saints talk privately to each other in the way of
secrets and symbols? If those talks belong to religion then why those talks are
kept secret from the common folk. Despite of the fact, the prophet (صلی
اللہ علیہ وسلم) said “Convey from me even if it is a verse” "بلغوا عنی ولو آیۃ".
5) Is it legal in the light of shariah to fantasize one’s
shaykh ( تصور
شیخ ) ?
8) The Monasticism (رہبانیت) which was disliked by Islam, what is the major
difference between monasticism and today’s mysticism ?
If these acts
are of any importance then why these acts were not present in the age
of pious companions ?
And on the
contrary if these acts are condemnable then why are they adopted….?
10) Why is it so that the age of pious companions which is spread
over a century we do not find more than 10 or 12 miraculous acts happened from
them. (According to prophetic
On the other
hand a single mystic Leader (Sufi Sheikh) is reported to have done dozens or
some time hundreds of such miraculous acts in his life. Sometimes
these miraculous acts are so magnificent that the miracles (معجزے) of the prophets seem tiny as
compared with them. Are
these miraculous acts a deception (استدراج) ?
Why after their
name the word 'may his ranks be raised' is written. Moreover, why they are
still considered as 'Friends of Allah' ?
15) Is it 'OK' to consider those saints who were irreligious (لامذہب) as Muslims and
'Friends of Allah'?
These Questions are translated from the
Urdu book “Shariat O Tariqat” by Abdur-rehman Kelani published by Dar-us-Salam